Today I am sharing my favorite and most useful apps in my “Travel Folders,” that are guaranteed to make your life easier. There are so many apps out there that don’t really add any value. You download and forget you even have them in a folder entirely! 

These apps are on my iPhone right now, and I can attest I have used them while traveling and will assure continued use in the future.  

PRO TIP: As mentioned in my Packing Guide, our phones are so important nowadays for travel. Acting as our travel guide, camera, entertainment and navigation;  beyond these helpful apps- don’t forget to bring a Portable Power Bank.  I use a slim charger and can keep in my purse throughout the day for multiple phone charges daily. 

Navigation/Transportation Folder

  • Google Maps: I recommend to download City and Transit maps prior to your trip so you can access offline. A must for remote traveling or spotty internet connection.

  • Fly Delta, American, United etc: I always download the app for the airline I am flying for quick access to my boarding pass, flight and gate updates and information.

  • Uber: I’m always able to find a quick and reliable ride in minutes regardless of the day or time. Uber was the first ride sharing app I downloaded and continue loyally. I also love that the app is available in over 600+ cities and 500+ airports. 

  • Bird: Rentable share system of dockless, electric, lightweight scooters. If you are comfortable enough to hop on- this commuter option provides a solution for traveling anywhere too far to walk, or too close to drive. Helmets (like drivers licenses) are required. 

  • Waze: A community based GPS system- that always gives you (in my opinion) the fastest driving directions. 

International Folder

  • Google Translate: Traveling to a country where you don’t speak the language is often overwhelming. I have downloaded multiple language packs over the past few international trips I have taken. My favorite part is the ‘Instant camera translation’ feature where you can translate text in images or labels…or menus…. instantly by just pointing your camera and hovering over. 

  • myTaxi: Considered Europe’s largest licensed taxi app. Convenient and safe when I found Uber isn’t available. 

  • WhatsApp: Stay in touch with family and friends while traveling the world. It’s free to use and works over basic internet connection. 

  • EX Currency: It’s really unsettling to have no idea how much something costs because foreign exchange rates. This app helps compare exchange rates, with live updates when connected to the internet. (and stores the last updated rate when roaming!)

  • Babbel: My favorite investment before I travel outside of the United States is in the language. I use the app during my commute to work to brush up on basic vocabulary and key phrases before any trip. I love the clean and uncomplicated interface, without the distraction of ads.

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Entertainment Folder

  • Spotify: A great music (and podcast) platform. I use the free version with the readymade playlists for just about everything. It also works perfectly with my Apple Watch! 

  • Netflix: While traveling internationally, most of the planes include in-flight entertainment screens. However for the shorter flights or drives, I love being able to watch TV shows and movies on-demand. Nothing beats an episode of The Great British Baking Show

Planning and Productivity Folder

  • Evernote: I love being organized and this app allows me to plan and manage all my trips (even offline). I use the free account and it really covers all of what I need it to. Again my favorite feature is that I can easily share information and know its all in one place. 

  • Dropbox: A great protected storage solution for keeping copies of your passport or important papers you may need to access. 

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Miscellaneous Folder

  • Airbnb: Traveling within budget would not be possible without this platform. Period.  Being able to set your price, discover and book local homes with all the amenities you need has been a game changer. I typically only book with “superhosts” or the new AirbnbPlus options.

  • Guides by Lonely Planet: Words can not describe how amazing these guides are. They cover an incredible range of cities worldwide, and have an amazing mixture of highlights every visitors should know. Download your city of choice to be able to use offline. Add places to your favorites list, and be able to view a curated map made by you!. 

  • iPhone Health App: This past year I have made a conscious effort to pay more attention to my health and well being. After studying and passing 7 AREs (Architectural Registration Exams) and working full time during the same time- I was in need a major reset. This simple interface allowed me to track the changes I was making and encouraged better behavior; all while helping me to reach my goals.  

  • iPhone Weather App: A simple pre-installed mobile app already on every iPhone- this one seems pretty self explanatory, but it’s important to get up-to-date weather information. 

  • Gmail- Email by Google (or your alternate email provider)- Not much to say- other than you need to be able to access email while traveling! 

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These apps will help organize your trip itineraries and help navigate your way through a city like a pro. I have them on my phone and are proving helpful time and time again. With technology and the travel industry changing every day “having an app for that” really does make your trip easier.

What are some travel apps you can’t live without? Please share with me in the comments below!

Packing for International Travel

Packing for International Travel